A police complaint has been lodged by well known Kannada writer Chetana Thirthahalli on Saturday following frequent threats and lewd messages to her through online social networking sites such as Facebook. Hanumantha Nagar police station cops have approved that the woman writer Chetana Thirthahalli filed a complaint against the two Facebook operators whose accounts are being examined as of now.
Why Kannada Woman Writer Chetana Thirthahalli Received Rape, Acid Attack and Other Threat Calls?
Numerous threats of rape, acid attack and life has been made to Kannada writer and columnist Chetana Thirthahalli contradicting to her recent columns and opinions over various social issues. Well known as a writer, film-maker and scriptwriter has been receiving these threats after her recent articles in various magazines questioning the Hindu customs were published.
Cops said that Kannada woman writer and columnist Chetana Thirthahalli claimed that since past 5-6 months she has been receiving the messages from Jagrutha Bharatha and Madhusudhan Gowda on Facebook. Later addressing to media she said, “Initially, most of the messages were from fake profiles and were reactions to my posts on Facebook. I ignored them. However, of late, Madhusudhan has been messaging me regularly especially after reading about recent protests where I have been and so on. His threats and messages are communal, anti-feminist and often obscene.”
She further added, “With the killing of writer Kalburgi and little progress in its investigation, I do not feel safe now. I may not be anywhere near Kalburgis’ stature, but I am afraid. So, I decided to file a complaint, especially when I realized that these people were following my every move, every post.”
A case has been registered against the alleged people under IPC section 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace), 506 (punishment for criminal intimidation) and 509 (word gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman). The probe has been ordered in this regard while this case has been referred by the Hanumantha Nagar police officers to the cyber crime cell to trace Madhusudhan. Share your insights with us as comments below.