This video shows how the foreign media exposes Indian paid media channels. It is a program called Democalypse – the race to continue Incumbency, the reader introduces a person called Jason Jones who visits India to expose the Indian media. He says that Jason was sent to India to export America star politics which turns out the world’s largest democracy. Thus, the hunt of Jones starts to find out the paid media in India.
Jones started saying that ‘I came to India to teach a lesson to 1.2 billion people in democracy, but it turns out it didn’t need that which made me sad.’ Jones came across a debate between the politicians in a TV channel which made him speechless. He said that ‘the democracy may be great, but the news was worst than ours.’ Thus, Jones walked into a news channel and asked to meet the people over there to save them.
He was allowed to meet the CNN-IBN editor and Chief Rajdeep Sardesai. Jason asked Rajdeep CNN-IBN, is that related to our ****. Rajdeep replies Yes, Unfortunately. Immediately, he changes his answer to, fortunately. Rajdeep asks Jones that is that on Air. Jones says yes, it is on Air. Thus, Rajdeep says CNN-IBN is a terrific brand name. He says American love brand recall. Jones says don’t use us an example.
We don’t shout at each other on Air. Rajdeep says we do a lot of that. People like noise told on Television. ‘I would like to believe that Indian television is actually better than most people believe it is,’ says Rajdeep. Later Jones met S.Y. Quraishi in the context of paid media in India. Quraishi says that ‘Opinion polls are manufactured and you can buy them.’
Later Jones met Indian journalist Pooja Gupta for more research. He asked her can I go out and buy a book with a story written about myself. Pooja says yes, you can. Thus, Jones said to publish a story on himself. Pooja asks money to do so.