A women gave birth to a strange looking frog-like baby on Wednesday in a private hospital near Dhorimana, Barmer District, Rajasthan. Ruparam Jat, the resident of Isrol Village in Chohtan brought to the hospital with Labor pain on Tuesday. Gynecologist Dr. Mehul Modi has taken her delivery case. But after seeing born children Dr. Mehul Modi surprised. Unfortunately, he died within an hour after delivery.
While the individuals would call the child to appear frog faced but science calls it a case of medical condition. Commenting on this recent case, the doctors said that such medical conditions arise due to the deficiency of folic acid in expecting mothers.
This is not the 1st time when frog faced babies taking birth being reported as there have been several instances with more famous ones being from Africa and Egypt.
Folic acid is particularly important in women of childbearing age. A deficiency during pregnancy can lead to birth defects. That’s why women are advised to take healthy food to prevent deficiency.