Gender Reveal Gone Wrong: Plane Crashes After Unloading 350 Gallons Of Pink Water In Reveal Stunt

People do a lot of things for gender reveal stunts, there have been good ones and there have been stunts that went horribly wrong.

In the most recent gender reveal stunt, a plane was used to announce that a couple was having a girl in Texas.

The incident happened on September 7, 2019, but it was announced by the police earlier this month.

According to reports, the pilot of the plane was flying at a low altitude on September 7, in the town of Turkey, which is not far from the Oklahoma border.

The pilot released 350 gallons of pink water for the gender reveal for the stunt, which caused the plane to slow and get “aerodynamically stalled”.

The airplane eventually slammed into the ground and flipped over.

Reports suggest that there were 2 people inside the plane when the plane crashed.

The 2 people on board sustained minor injuries.

According to a report released by the National Transportation Safety Board, “The airplane ‘got too slow’, aerodynamically stalled, impacted terrain and came to rest inverted.”

“The Federal Aviation Administration inspector … [said] there were two persons on board the single-seat airplane.”

The pilot reported no mechanical failures or malfunctions before the single-seat airplane crashed.