Hyderabad: A man in his thirties reportedly stolen a Bike this incident taken place in Hyderabad. The man asked for aTest drive Harley Davidson bike worth 5.7 lakh, and he introduced himself as a software professional. He submitted his id, gave his office address and mobile number Which was fake.
The staff members at a Harley Davidson showroom in Banjara hills, Hyderabad. They were in shock when a high-end bike that was taken for a test drive was never returned. pretext of a trial run zoomed off with the bike and never returned back.
Later when they checked and tried to track him they discovered that he had submitted a fake id and mobile number which proforma was filled by Tahir Ali, for a test-drive the 750 cc Harley Davidson-Street 750 model motorbike.
The complaint was filed in the Banjara Hills region, under the Sections 379 (theft) and Section 420 (cheating) of the Indian Penal Code, the police officer Santosh said.
In the CCTV footage the man starting the engine was a showroom employee. The thief, posing as a customer, mounts the bike and drives off, never to return. The police is closely studying the circuit television (CCTV) camera footage to nab the accused one, the police official said, To find the culprit they were trying.