Heatwave in India has been wreaking havoc over several parts of the country. On Wednesday, April 13, a new record was set in Hyderabad. The capital city of Telangana recorded 43°C as its maximum, which happens to be the highest in 43 years and five degrees above the normal levels. Areas including Kothagudem (44°C), Bhadrachalam (43°C), Sattupalli (43°C), and Khammam (42°C).
Because of this more than 100 members were noted died in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana. Several other places in Telangana observed high temperatures. With temperatures reaching a road-melting 43 degrees Celsius in India, people are coming up with novel ways to use up the scorching heat.
Man Uses Heat Waves to Cook Omelette:
A man from Hyderabad was seen cooking up an omelette on a pan under the intense midday sun without using fire. Because of high temperature when he poured Egg mixture on the Pan, it turned into Omelette. It might surprise you, but it’s true.
This is the condition of India, especially in South right now. The temperatures are almost unbearable. There is just no way to cope with this kind of heat.
Watch how Women Makes Omelet on the Stone Telangana:
Weather experts concur that the only way India will get respite from this heat is when the monsoon arrives. Till then, the country has no option but to sweat it out.