Hindu Woman Contests Elections In Pakistan, Creates History

KARACHI: Sunita Parmar, a Hindu woman in Pakistan’s Sindh territory has become the first women from the minority community to contest the general elections which are going to held on July 25. Sunita Parmar has created a history because it is the very first time when any Hindu Women filed her name for the assembly election in Muslim majority country Pakistan.

Sunita Parmar is 31 years old women who belong to the Meghwar community which is considered as an untouchable community under the Hindu ritual ranking system and has been considered not less than a scheduled caste.

it is the very first when Ms. Parmar will contest as an independent candidate for the Sindh Assembly constituency PS-56 from Tharparkar Sindh’s southern bordering district which has the largest number of Hindus in Muslim country, Pakistan.

According to a survey of 2017, the total population of District Tharparkar was 1.6 million out of which around half of the population is of Hindus.

As according to a media report, Self-assured of daring the status quo, Ms. Sunita Parmar said that it was forced to contest the upcoming assembly election on 25th July as previous governments were unsuccessful to provide their agreement of making life better for the people of the Sindh Assembly constituency.
as per one of the media source, Sunita Parmer who created a history in Pakistan said that “Previous governments did nothing for the people of this area Even in 21st century, we lack basic health facilities and proper educational institutes for women,”

After that, Ms. Sunita Parmer further added that “Gone are the days when women were supposed to be weaker and inferior. I am confident of winning the election…This is the 21st century and we are even ready to fight the lion,”
Besides this Ms Sunita Parmer affirmed to revamp standards of education for women and health facilities in her Sindh Assembly constituency PS-56 from Tharparkar Sindh’s southern bordering district.
Sunita Parmer also added that “I believe in girl’s education. This is the only way to make women stronger and successful,”

Ms. Parmer further stated that “I don’t have any enmity or opposition with any political party but it is need of the hour that women’s existence and capabilities should be accepted. My goals are very clear. I want to work for girls’ education and play my role in providing basic health facilities on every doorstep,”

”it was focused on deaths of children due to undernutrition but paid very little focus on mothers’ health in Thar by the national and international media” Sunita said