83-year-old vulnerable man, Chumán Don Luciano, who was dubbed “Crazy Chumàn” by the local residents of his town spends a lot of time wandering the streets and he hadn’t washed or changed his clothes in years. The Peruvian man had filthy, long matted hair and beard and he walked the streets with a backbreaking stoop.
When the local Church (Peregrin Evangelical) realised he didn’t have a place to stay, they decided to help him out and he has been given an astonishing makeover by his local community.
They exchanged his dirty clothes for new ones and gave him a haircut and a bath.
He’s also been treated at a hospital for various medical conditions, given cash, a national ID card and social services have agreed to give him regular meals.
The photographs show the magnificent transformation and were posted on the Ferrenafe community Facebook page.
“These humanitarian gestures must continue. Sometimes we are a little indifferent, and forget that they are people like us and need our help,” said Municipality spokeswoman Yesenia Abad Cross.