A Three-year-old school girl on Tuesday died in an elevator accident in Hyderabad, after her head allegedly got stuck in the school lift door. Saida Xainab Fatima, a student of Sri Chaitanya school, had her head stuck in the elevator door of her school at Dilsukhnagar.
She was being taken by her teacher to the third floor with a few other children when she reportedly fell and her head got stuck in the grills. When the lift started moving, the child was crushed and killed instantly.
Girl’s head gets stuck in elevator door:
Some reports say that there was a scuffle between school kids to come out of the lift while others claim that there was no guard present at the time.
“Though it is not yet clear how her head got stuck into the lift, but the parents have alleged that her head got stuck in the grills of the lift door,” said police.
Watch Exclusive Scenes Here: (Warning: Its a direct video from the scene, do not watch this if you are weak hearted) .
Police officers also told that the school and the district education department appear guilty of negligence. They are investigating whether there was a lift-man.
Watch the video here:
While Fatima’s parents are inconsolable and people have started raising questions on how a lift was being operated in a pre-primary school.
Scores of angry parents protested outside the school and demanded an investigation into why a nursery school was operating from a multi-storey building.