Two popular events by Telangana State Government Swachh Telangana and Swachh Hyderabad. Today Swachh Bharath programme in Hyderabad has been scheduled. As a part of the Programme, as many as 2,000 garbage lifting auto trolleys and two dustbins for segregation of wet and dry waste will be distributed free of cost by CM K Chandrasekhar Rao at the People’s Plaza on Necklace Road.
As part of ‘Swachh Hyderabad’ programme, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) will distribute two dustbins to each family and will cover 44 lakh households in Greater Hyderabad limits besides deploying 2,000 garbage lifting auto trolleys for door-to-door garbage collection and their transportation to the garbage transfer stations.
GHMC Special Officer B Janardhan Reddy, who inspected the People’s Plaza, informed that the Chief Minister would launch the scheme which is aimed at improving sanitation in the city.
The Telangana Chief Minister K Chandra Shekar Rao is planning to make the Hyderabad City as Clean and Green City. The slogan for Swachh Hyderabad Is “Clean Hyderabad”.