Krishna Chaitanya, a 19-year-old second year B.Tech computer science student of Satyabhama University, Chennai, hailing from Kukatpally area of Hyderabad on Friday committed suicide at his home allegedly due to continuous ragging by his seniors at the university.
“Following a complaint from Krishna’s family members, we have registered a case of abatement to suicide under section 306 of IPC and under relevant sections of Anti-Ragging Act,” KPHB Police Station Inspector V Sreekanth Goud told. The case will now be transferred to a police station concerned in Chennai.
Krishna Chaitanya wrote suicide note:
Before resorting to the extreme step, Krishna purportedly wrote in his diary that he was committing suicide following “harassment” by one of his seniors, Shekhar, a third year student at his college in Chennai, he said.
He wrote an eight page suicide note before committing suicide which states about the humility the boy had been facing in the university for a long time.
The senior student used to forcibly take Krishna’s pocket money for his own expenses and also beat him up, the official said quoting from the diary. He also wrote that since several months he was forced to pay mobile and mess bills of two senior students who are both from Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh.