Hyderabad: Two minor girls — 8-year-old Ashwika and 3-year-old Anwishka — were allegedly killed by their mother in Secunderabad on Wednesday evening by slitting their throats with a broken glass bottle in their house. The incident happened at businessman Vinay Chutke’s house at Teacher’s Colony in Tukaramgate. Vinay, who runs a gift shop at Begumpet, stays with his wife, two children, mother and sister.
The police say Rajini, an MBA, messaged her friends that she had killed her daughters to “liberate” them from abuse and harassment.
Her husband Vinay Chutke returned home from his gift shop in Begumpet at 9:45 pm last night and found the main door ajar and Rajini missing. The businessman found his children, Ashwika, 7, and Thiviska, 3, lying dead in a pool of blood under the bed and in the bathroom respectively.
What drove the woman Saroja alias Rajini to kill her children was yet to be ascertained, the Gopalapuram Assistant Commissioner of Police Shiva Kumar said.
“Vinay’s sister and mother live in a separate room in the same house but they weren’t aware of the killings till he came home,” Mr. Shiva Kumar added.
According to TV reports, police have arrested her and she has reportedly told the cops that she suspected her daughters were being abused by her husband.
The police say there is no evidence so far of the alleged abuse. The couple had recently shifted to Hyderabad from Maharashtra.
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