India stepping out from the saying of “poor people’s country”

As the economic growth of India is increasing day by day and it has become the world’s fastest-growing economy country but With the population of over 1.3 billion, the majority of the people in India are below poverty line, to take poor people out of the poverty line, India has started working very hard. And its efforts is giving good results as per the latest report by the Future Development blog of the World Bank’s Brookings Institute. it has even been given a new name, ‘The start of a new poverty narrative’. According to a report, in global poverty ranking, India ranked below as compared to before and it is moving down in poverty ranking.
If we look at the latest Index that shows, in 2016 India had 125 million poor people and as per the poor index in may 2018, it had just 73 million people in the poorest people.
and as per the report, it is also mentioned that not only India is no longer the country with most number of poorest people but also Nigeria has overtaken India with the largest number of extremely poor people at 87 million in early 2018.
As a study says that, in every minute, 44 Indians are pulled out of poverty that is fastest in the world. So, India will no longer be a country with the largest number of poor people.

According to The World Bank report, it stated that by 2022 around 50 million more people would be out of poverty in India if the speed of positive growth of the country will remain the same. though India is continuously going down in poverty while Nigeria is a country that is becoming most poverty’s people country as every minute six people being added in the poor category.
As per the report, in Africa, there would be approximately 3.2 million more people living in most poverty by the end of this 2018, as compared to their living poor people today’s index.
and if the situation remains the same, the whole African continent would account for nine-tenths of the world’s extremely poor countries from two-thirds today.
and it is very Shockingly that 14 out of 18 African nations are seeing a rise in most poverty.
despite this, the poor economic scenarios in some countries, particularly in Africa as per the report says that every day there are about 217,000 people that are lifted away from the extreme poverty and over 3 lakh people are gaining access to basic amenities like clean drinking water and electricity.