The prime accused in the appalling murder case of Sheena Bora, Indrani Mukherjea had been shifted back to the Byculla Jail after being discharged from the Mumbai’s JJ Hospital. Doctors who treated her at the JJ Hospital claimed her health status to be stable, upon which she had been shifted back to the prison as her judicial custody was also extended in the recent times.
JJ Hospital Discharges Indrani Mukherjea, Sends Her Back to Jail
Mumbai’s JJ Hospital Dean TP Lahane said, “Indrani Mukerjea has been discharged from the hospital and sent back to jail” after discharging the main accused of her daughter Sheena Bora’s murder. Dr. TP Lahane further said, “Indrani is fully conscious and talking to doctors. A panel of doctors involved in her treatment will decide when to allow police authorities to record her statement” before media when he was questioned about her health status.
He assured that Indrani Mukherjea’s vital parameters are fine and she is responding to medications currently. The 43-year-old Indrani Mukherjea, wife of former Star India CEO Peter Mukerjea was admitted to Mumbai’s JJ Hospital on Friday after the Byculla prison authorities found her in surmised and unconscious state.
Though earlier it was speculated that she might have consumed overdose of anti-depressant pills while it hasn’t been affirmed yet by any of the reports so far. Former husband of Indrani Mukherjea, Sanjeev Khanna, and her driver Shyam Rai will be interrogated by the Central Bureau of Investigation which has filed the application to do so with the CBI court. All three accused of Sheena Bora will be in the judicial custody till October 19, 2015. Hang on with us fo more trending alerts happening across the globe by bookmarking (press Ctrl+D) us in your web browser for easy navigation.