Bollywood’s blockbuster movie ‘PK’ is being accounted for setting the international box office on fire. It is well known to Indian movie viewers and buffs that Aamir Khan starer ‘PK’ has done a roaring business at the domestic box office collections. Aamir Khan starer ‘PK’ has collected over Rs.300 crore in the overseas market setting a milestone for other movies and emerging as one of Bollywood’s biggest success stories globally.
Aamir Khan’s PK Movie Does Exceptional Business in China, North America, Gulf, Britain and Australia
Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, PK movie has been highly acclaimed by the Bollywood critics for the heavyweight message in a light-hearted tale on people’s blind belief in god and god-men. PK movie went out as one of the Bollywood and Indian cinema’s highest gross collecting movie with impressive collections in non-Indian territories like China, North America, Gulf, Britain, and Australia.
One of the sources associated with Rajkumar Hirani directed movie ‘PK’ said this movie in fact has expanded the dominions and soils of Indian movies of different film industries such Bollywood, Tollywood and many other, performing exceptionally well in non-traditional markets like Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Netherlands and Germany” on the basis of anonymity.
PK Movie Overseas Box Office Collections Crosses Rs.300 crore Milestone
“Till now, the film has collected Rs.303 crore in overseas markets and still running in few territories like Hong Kong and South Korea. ‘PK’ had collected Rs.348 crore net in India and the combined total stands at (over) Rs.651 crore,” the source added.
Claimed to be the happy man of Bollywood Rajkumar Hirani said, “This film surprises me every month. It does well wherever it opens, last being Hong Kong. All I can say is there’s happiness.” Following the crew of the PK film producer of the movie Vidhu Vinod Chopra said, “It’s so wonderful to know that we have crossed Rs.300 crore worldwide. To me, it means that Hindi cinema has now gone global.”
The film stars Bollywood’s versatile actor and Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan in the title role with Anushka Sharma, Sushant Singh Rajput, Boman Irani, Saurabh Shukla, and Sanjay Dutt in supporting roles. Aamir Khan played the role of an alien who enlightens people in India not to blindly follow the god-men clearing a few need of the hour facts on god manship.
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