IOS 9 Update Is Crashing: Users Report To Apple Company

The world’s no.1 mobile company Apple has launched the new update iOS 9 for all it users on September 16, 2015. As the devices from Apple Company are having high demand in the market, all the users had updated OS in their devices. But there has been many problems raised by the users that the updated version of iOS 9 was not working and being crushed in many of their devices.

iOS 9 Crashing:

A significant number of Apple customers are reporting their mobile devices have crashed after attempting to upload the new iOS 9 OS. Many of them had approached social media to share their views about the problems in their devices. “It is beyond inconvenient to not be able to use your phone for a day,” said by a student who works in Apple store and uses Apple device.

Another user said that the store guys are saying ‘they were aware of the problem and their engineers were working on it 24/7, but they couldn’t tell me when or how I would get a solution.’ “I’m very annoyed because it’s wasted half my day. They pride themselves on being a company that’s flawless.” Apple’s headquarters in San Francisco did not respond to a request for comment. An Apple spokesman in Sydney said the company had no comment.

 According to a report on Thursday, that says more than 16% of the Apple users who upgraded their devices are facing problems and there was no action taken by the Apple yet. The risk to Apple in terms of having dissatisfied customers is that as their customer base grows so will the number of those unsatisfied customers. Few users had reported that iOS9 upgrade would fail after a long time and asks to start again.

Many posted screen shots of the error message they received: “Software Update Failed“. And the main reason for this problem was servers that were overloaded when many of users tried to update at a time. Some users said that their devices were seizing up on swipe to upgrade.

Let us hope that this problem would be solved as soon as possible and take few precautionary measures while releasing such up-gradations by the Company. Apple Company is now working on the problems facing by the users and the company has delayed this week the release of watch OS 2 which is the update for Apple watches.