Madhavan’s Irudhi Suttru, a bilingual sports drama film written and directed by Sudha Kongara Prasad released today. Simultaneously shot in Tamil and Hindi, under the title Saala Khadoos, the film features R. Madhavan in the leading role as a ‘khadoos’ (boorish) boxing coach, with newcomer Ritika Singh as an aspiring boxer. Madhavan is no less than a stunner himself and we are sure his fans would drool over his boxer avatar, which is something we have never seen before.
Both versions are produced by C. V. Kumar and S. Sashikanth for Thirukumaran Entertainment and Y NOT Studios, while Varun Manian’s Radiance Media presents the Tamil version and Madhavan’s Tricolour Films and Rajkumar Hirani present the Hindi version respectively.
Irudhi Suttru / Saala Khadoos Movie Cast & Crew Details:
Director: Sudha Kongara Prasad
- Sashikanth
- V. Kumar (Tamil)
- Madhavan (Hindi)
- Rajkumar Hirani (Hindi)
Music: Santhosh Narayanan
- R. Madhavan
- Ritika Singh
Cast: Mumtaz Sorcar, Nassar, Radha Ravi, Kaali Venkat, and Sanjana Mohan
Cinematography: Sivakumar Vijayan
Editor: Sathish Suriya
Release Date: 29 January 2016
Genre: Sports, Drama
Language: Tamil, Hindi
Iruthi Suttru / Saala Khadoos Movie Story Line:
Saala Khadoos is a story of a banished coach played by Madhavan, who wants his protege played by Ritika Singh to get into the ring and prove her ability.
When, Madhavan is banished from the national institute and not allowed to participate in the game, he moves to another city, where he finds Ritika Singh, a poor 17-year-old girl who has the passion and skills of a boxer that Madhavan had been looking for. The film traces the coach’s journey as he prepares the young girl to create a place for herself in the world of boxing.
Irudhi Suttru / Saala Khadoos Movie Live Updates:
Taran Adarsh @taran_adarsh
2016 has started with a bang. Last week #Airlift. This Friday #SaalaKhadoos. What. A. Film. Engaging. Inspiring. Deserves an ovation… #SaalaKhadoos springs a big surprise. The characters, writing, edit, background score – top notch. High point: Nail-biting finale… Madhavan is terrific. Ritika is a revelation, a firebrand. Nasser and Zakir Hussain first-rate. Every character shines in #SaalaKhadoos… Director Sudha Kongara deserves distinction marks. This one’s straight from the heart. #SaalaKhadoos delivers a SOLID punch. Winner!
Suman Sharma @sumisharma31
Loved #SaalaKhadoos. It’s an excellent movie. Superb performance by @ActorMadhavan and #Ritika. Must watch
Salilacharya @Salilacharya
I love the rawness of a #saalakhadoos .. This #ritika is a firebrand Absolutely loved #saalakhadoos @actormadhavan wowww how fabulous are you and that look on the bike .. Had me jumping in the theatre And this #ritika faaak faadu casting .. Im in luv with how brilliantly natural and raw yet innocent she is #saalakhadoos love films on sport Cud never become a sportsman of high calibre but i live each moment thru films like #saalakhadoos @rajkumarhirani take a bow sir
Aditi Khanna @jhoomballeballe
Just watched #SaalaKhadoos wow loved it so much better than #marykom delight to watch @ActorMadhavan #thankyoumaster
Santosh patnaik @Beingsantoo
#SaalaKhadoos looks promising n engaging @ActorMadhavan is looking like never before Film is already in news Something special to offer Sports me se politics hatake dekho Gali Gali champions milege Very engaging dialogue from #SaalaKhadoos @ActorMadhavan @RajkumarHirani
Irudhi Suttru / Saala Khadoos Movie Review & Rating:
“Saala Khadoos” has rich production values and the music and picturisation are the big attractions in the technical front. As a boxing coach, actor R Madhavan has delivered brilliant performance and his intensity of emotions is the main highlight of the film.
The film itself doesn’t match up to the glory of its stunning visual velocity or its leading man ‘s towering performance. Sivkumar Vijayan’s camerawork glides across the simmering surfaces capturing the anger frustration and bitterness of Madhavan’s character before moving inwards to peer into the anatomy of human failure and redemption.
Mumtaz Sorcar, Nassar, Zakir Hussain and other supporting artistes’ performances are also big assets of the film. Boxer Ritika Singh, who is making her acting debut with this movie, has lot of scope of performance and she has done her best for her role.
Plus Points:
- Madhavan’s performance
- Sathish Suriya’s editing is sharp
- Sivakumar Vijayan’s Camera work
- Ritika acting
All India Roundup Rating: 3.25/5
Final Verdict: Unusual love story against a sport background. Madhavan’s career’s finest performance. Must Watch!
Watch Irudhi Suttru / Saala Khadoos official Trailer:
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