YS Jaganmohan Reddy, health has reportedly worsened and the police have made arrangements to shift him to the Government General Hospital (GGH) on Monday as his health deteriorated on the sixth day of an indefinite fast at a village in Guntur to press for demanding Special Category Status (SCS) for the Andhra Pradesh State.
Jagan’s health worsens, doctors ask him to end fast :
The doctors at Guntur General Hospital (GGH) administered him fluids intravenously and said that his condition was causing concern. The YSR Congress party workers rushed to the hospital and criticized the police, saying that it is a government’s strategy to destroy the indefinite fast of Jagan.
His family members and party leaders are worried over his condition when doctors said about his health condition.
GGH RMO Dr Ramesh said the blood sugar levels and pulse rate were dropping hour after hour. According to Dr Ramesh,YS Jagan blood pressure is 130/80, pulse 68, weight 72.9 kg and sugar 61. ketone bodies in urine, there is every possibility of YS Jagan’s health deteriorating further leading to problems related to kidneys and liver and he may slip into coma, the medical team said as on monday morning.
Watch YS Jagan health condition worsen, shifted to GGH Video:
YS Jagan had challenged CM Chandrababu Naidu to press the Centre to grant what was promised to the state or withdraw support to the Modi Government.
“CM N Chandrababu Naidu is not making any thing to get the special status for the state, said Jagan.
“This fast is for the people of Andhra Pradesh, to increase job opportunities for the youth, to improve infrastructure facilities and provide a better future for the citizens,” YS Jagan said in a statement.