Jaish-e-Mohammed Recruit Children For Clashes Against Indian Security Forces

UN reports stated that Pakistan based terror named Jaish-e-Mohammed and Hizbul Mujahideen recruited minor children and used them during a clash with the Jammu and Kashmir forces.



Annual reports on the children and armed conflict, which was conducted by UN secretary founded that over 10000 minor children were killed. Along with this more than 8000 children were recruited or used as the combatants by the terror forces.

The report which was conducted by UN is global. Nations like Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, India, Philippines and Nigeria is studied.

For studying the situations of India, a particular study is conducted by UNSG Antonio Guterres. They said children of Jammu and Kashmir is adversely affected by violence between armed groups and the government forces. Most affected regions of India are Jammu and Kashmir, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand.

“grave violations,” it said the incidents of recruiting minor children by two terror groups and used them against the clashes of the security forces.

One case of attributed to Jaish-e-Mohammed and Hizbul Mujahideen reports said they used children as informants and spies by the terror groups.



UN said they continued to receive the reports of the recruitment of children. Including by Maoists mostly in the regions of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. Naxalities used the lottery system for recruiting the children in their forces. Those who refused to be joined continued to be killed or injured.

The reports of the government data concluded that 188 civilians were killed in Maoists affected regions, but unfortunately, no data on children is available.

This year in March, 15-year-old innocent boy was killed between the clash of security forces and Lashkar-e-Taiba. The whole incident took place in Padgampora village of Pulwama district.

Some reports from Jharkhand stated that Maoists attacked a school in Kunti district. Increased tensions in Jammu and Kashmir also results in closure of schools for regular intervals.

Tahrik-e-Taliban Video

In January this year, Tehrik-e-Taliban from Pakistan shared the video. In which children including girls being instructed how to prepare for the suicide attacks.



The UN chief reiterated that the best way to overcome this situation is to promote the peaceful solutions to conflicts and called on all parties to exert maximum efforts in this regard.