Japan Keeps This Defunct Railway Station Running For Just One Girl, Here’s Why

Situated in Japan’s north island of Hokkaido, the Kami-Shirataki train station has been abandoned due to its remote location. But the train still comes only twice a day to pick only one, yes, only one passenger every day.

It all started 3 years ago, when Japan Railways decided to shut down its services. But they noticed a young girl still using it to get to school & decided to keep a train operational. The train makes only two stops—one when she leaves for school and the other when she returns.

The company even adjusted the train’s timetable according to the girl’s schedule. The unnamed girl is expected to graduate this March, which is when the station will finally be closed.

With this story of a young girl and her special connection to the Kami-Shiratki station, Japan’s rural railroads always will be remembered for their service.

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