The Jiah Khan death case has been shrouded in mystery ever since the actor was found dead in her Juhu apartment in June 2013. The CBI has concluded in its charge-sheet that US-born actress committed suicide following a disturbed relationship with actor Sooraj Pancholi.
It provides chilling details about the actor’s pregnancy; how her boyfriend Sooraj Pancholi aided her in the subsequent abortion. It also stated that multiple pregnancies, followed by abortions on the insistence of Sooraj Pancholi left Jiah Khan depressed and led to her committing suicide.
A note recovered from Jiah’s apartment after her death had said how she had to undergo an abortion during the course of her relation with Pancholi.
The case has seen several twists and turns, with Jiah’s mother Rabia alleging that Sooraj was responsible for her daughter’s death. She demanded a CBI probe into the matter.
Sooraj Pancholi Extricated Jiah Khan’s Foetus With His Own Hands:
The report handed over by CBI to the sessions court on Wednesday states:
“Jiah was 4 weeks pregnant when she informed Pancholi about it. The couple then approached a doctor and finally a gynaecologist who prescribed a strong combination of drugs. After taking the medicine, Khan started haemorrhaging and called Pancholi for help.”
“She was in pain and needed immediate medical attention but Pancholi allegedly asked her to wait and called up the gynaecologist for guidance. He was asked to rush Khan to hospital as the foetus had probably been aborted but hadn’t been expelled from the body, which is probably what led to the haemorrhaging”.
“However, Pancholi was afraid that if Khan got hospitalised, their relationship would become public and his career could grind to a halt even before taking off. Sooraj then decided to take matters into his own hand rather than risking going to a hospital. He extricated the foetus and disposed it off in the toilet”.
CBI charges Sooraj Pancholi with abetting Jiah Khan’s suicide
That day (June 3, 2013), Jiah had left Sooraj’s home where she had stayed with him for two-three days.
She and Sooraj had a bitter exchange of words on their mobile phones with she accusing him of lying about his ‘meeting with a common lady friend’. Enraged by her continuous messages in this connection, Sooraj deleted Jiah’s BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) account from his mobile, the CBI said.
Later, Jiah called him at midnight and another verbal duel occurred between them which lasted for around 400 pulses, and he had sent certain “abusive and accusatory” text messages from his mobile to her. When her mother Rabiya returned home, she found Jiah hanging from the bedroom ceiling fan and informed the police.
Sooraj Pancholi, the son of actors Aditya Pancholi and Zarina Wahab, has been booked under section 306 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for abetment to suicide while murder has been ruled out.