Kai Raja Kai is the latest telugu action thriller film directed by Shiva Ganesh and released on 23rd April 2015. Ram Khanna, Manaas, Josh Ravi played important roles in this movie. Siva Ganesh put all efforts to make his creation to come with a better output. Siva mixed comedy with full length action entertainer to get two sides audience crowd. Here is the complete review, rating, story line of Kai Raja Kai movie.
Kai Raja Kai Allindairoundup Rating: 1.5/5
Kai Raja Kai Movie Details, Cast & Crew:
Release date : April 23, 2015
Duration: 2 hrs 22 mins
Genre: Comedy, Thriller
Director : Siva Ganesh
Producer : Full Moon Entertainments
Music Director : J.B
Starring : Khanna, Maanas, Josh Ravi
Kai Raja Kai Story Line:
The movie starts with three friends Anand (Played by Manas) who is an unemployed guy, Mechanic Khanna (played by Ram) and Chitti (Played by Josh Ravi) who has a dream to get richer in one effort.
Things changed when their life makes fun on them as Anand tired searching his job, Khanna’s love story fails due to his poor status.
Anand and Khanna decide to follow Chitti and plan to become rich in one shot.
Twist in their life happens when they plan to become rich in one day? What is their plan? What are those twists? Did they gain success forms the rest of the story.
Watch Kai Raja Kai movie Trailer:
Star Performances:
Taking about performances, its has an incomparable and towering act by Ram Khanna. He is brilliant in both intense as well as comedy scenes. Going by his knotty character Josh Ravi does a commendable job. He manages to deliver a salient job. Maanas shines in his initial scenes. He gives a restrained performance which strikes chord with the massy audience.
Kai Raja Kai Allindairoundup Rating: 1.5/5
Plus Points :
- Interesting Story Line
- Nice Comedy
- Director Creativity
- Ram Khanna, Manaas, Josh Ravi acting skills
- Few Performances
- Cinematography by Dev
- Josh Ravi’s comedy
Minus Points :
- Slow Narration
- Editing
- Second Half
- Predictable storyline
- Dragged Screenplay
Final Word: There is nothing much that you haven’t seen before, in ‘Kai Raja Kai. Now, if you are fine about it, this film could work for you.
Jabardasth fame Raghava is hilarious in his cameo. Roja, Tarzan and DMK play their part with atmost conviction. Credit should also go to Siva Ganesh for extracting the best out of his cast.