A few fans of India’s highly acclaimed film celebrity Kamal Hassana accounted to have attacked actor Sivakarthikeyan. Although it hasn’t been cleared what made the fans of Kamal Hassan to attack actor Sivakarthikeyan at the Madurai airport. Aides of Sivakarthikeyan added that angered fans of Kamal Hassan abruptly attacked him at Madurai airport. However a few sources added might be the popular image of the actor Sivakarthikeyan as Rajnikanth fan who never mentioned the name of Kamal Haasan at any instance.
Angry Mob of Kamal Hassan Fans Attack Actor Sivakarthikeyan
The Indian film actor, television anchor, and stand-up comedian working in the Tamil film industry, Sivakarthikeyan was leaving to Tiruchendur to attend a function along with actors Kamal Haasan and Hansika Motwani. during the incident. Although it was veritably a mental appall for actor Sivakarthikeyan.
People at the Madurai airport endured the tension mental and emotional strain after a mob of people palmed actor Sivakarthikeyan. Social media went trending with the videos of actor Sivakarthikeyan being drummed up by angered mob. However a few sources denied the occurrence of such incident claiming it as to be a rumor while the video is extensively being shared in social media states that actor Shivakarthikeyan had hit hard on his back by a fan in blue shirt and another man in white shirt running through the crowd to hit him again.
Actor Sivakarthikeyan was backed up his fans, followers and well-wishers expressing their endless support to him condemning the brutal attack of Kamal Hassan fans against him. Tweets and Facebook posts outpoured and started trending with hashtag #WeSupportSivaKarthikeyan globally. Sivakarthikeyan, who was overwhelmed by the support, took to Twitter to thank all fans who stood by him.
Wit all ur Blessings Im Perfectly alright.Tnx 2 all d Luvly hearts 4 ur Greatest Support at Tis Moment.Ur Luv makes me Stronger.Luv U All???
— Sivakarthikeyan (@Siva_Kartikeyan) September 20, 2015
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