Karate Kalyani Entered Into Limca Book Of Records

Karate Kalyani who had played a lecturer role in Raviteja’s “Mirapakai” and Brahmi’s maid in “Krishna” movie has entered Limca Book now for conducting record break of harikatha performances through her organization.

We all know the actress as a comedian but actually, she is a talented Hari Katha artist who has always impressed mythology, culture, and tradition lovers. She performed nonstop for 114 hours 45 minutes and 55 seconds during June 20th-25th 2015 in Siddarth Nagar Community Hall, Hyderabad for which she had entered Limca Book of Awards.

Karate Kalyani Into Limca Book Of Awards

Padala Kalyani also established Adhibhatla Kalapeetham and a harikatha artist. She is balancing both the movies and the Harikatha. We need to look at another side of actors too than their screen look