Kashmiri men saved a soldier who was trapped inside a mangled vehicle which had met with an accident. This incident took place on Srinagar Bypass road near Lasjan area of Srinagar. The Police official said that “An army vehicle veered off the road after the driver lost control at Lasjan and hit a tree and one soldier was trapped inside the badly damaged vehicle and efforts of other army men to evacuate him did not fructify. Local Kashmiri youth rushed to the spot and managed to bring the injured army jawan out by placing a truck next to the damaged army vehicle”.
Some spectators shot the entire incident on their mobile phones. The video of the same has been widely shared on ‘youtube’ and other social networking sites.
Watch The Video Here:
The incident occurred at a time when there have been reports of unrest, which has claimed 84 lives and thousands of others injured in clashes between protestors and security forces. In July, local residents of Bijbehara in south Kashmir Anantnag district defied curfew to rescue over 20 Amarnath pilgrims whose vehicle had met an accident during the beginning of the current unrest.
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