Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal accused that Central Bureau of Investigation CBI has conducted a raid on his Office over an ongoing investigation going on his secretary Rajendra. Kejriwal stated that the raid was unexpected and his office was sealed for everyone. The CBI officers had gone through the files of Kejriwal followed by CM baffled.
CBI raids my office
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) December 15, 2015
When Modi cudn’t handle me politically, he resorts to this cowardice
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) December 15, 2015
Thus, Kejriwal took to twitter to share the incident and said officers from the Central Bureau of Investigation had conducted a “raid” on his office at the Delhi secretariat. Since Aam Aadmi Party earlier this year defeated the federal governing party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, there has been a cold war between two parties.
FM lied in Parliament. My own office files are being looked into to get some evidence against me. Rajender is an excuse
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) December 15, 2015
Modi is a coward and a psycopath
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) December 15, 2015
CBI lying. My own office raided. Files of CM office are being looked into. Let Modi say which file he wants?
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) December 15, 2015
A CBI spokeswoman said the agency had only searched the office of Rajendra Kumar, principal secretary to Mr Kejriwal. She said it was part of an investigation into alleged corruption. Hence, Kejriwal posted by lashing on PM Modi regarding the raid. Mr Kejriwal has publicly accused the BJP of shielding the corrupt and using the CBI to carry out political vendettas against his party on several occasions.
Twitter Trolls CM Kejriwal:
#IfCBIRaids Yami Gautam’s home… all they will find is Fair & Lovely
— Namrata Shah (@namratawrites) December 15, 2015
#IfCBIRaids Arnab’s house .. it will find only the questions which “Nation Wants to Know” ???
— RAJDEEP PAUL (@rajde6p) December 15, 2015
Breaking News – CBI ne Baba Ramdev k ghar maara chaapa aur waha par mila khoya hua salwar. #IfCBIRaids
— IMRAN KHAN (@imranmkkhan) December 15, 2015
#IfCBIRaids old age homes, they will find diego costa.
— Syed Fakhar (@fakhargeelani) December 15, 2015
#IfCBIraids Jayalalitha’s house they will go back like this..
— Comedian Praveen (@Funny_Leone) December 15, 2015
— All India Bakchod (@AllIndiaBakchod) December 15, 2015
When you get mad and tweet some regrettable angry shit
— Imaan Sheikh (@sheikhimaan) December 15, 2015
*psychopath @ArvindKejriwal.
This is what happens when u focus on politics and not education
— Vande Mataram (@UnSubtleDesi) December 15, 2015
@ArvindKejriwal Get well soon
— Bharath (@Ba10Official) December 15, 2015
The BJP has denied the allegations made by Kejriwal about raiding his office. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said Mr Kejriwal wasn’t the target of the CBI raid. “It is the officer whose office has been searched in relation to a case for an alleged offence committed in his capacity before he joined the office of Kejriwal,” Mr Jaitley told.