WATCH: The Great Khali Attacks Wrestler Brody Steel For Destroying His Academy In Jalandhar

Recently, WWE superstar ex-World Wrestling Champion, The Great Khali from India took matters in his own hands when he bashed up wrestler Brody Steele for allegedly destroying his wrestling academy in Jalandhar. Earlier, Brody along with other foreign wrestlers destroyed and attacked few of Khali’s students, including his younger brother Surender Rana as the wrestling event promoted by Khali known as Continental Wrestling Entertainment postponed. They also fought with academy’s staff apart from tearing important files and documents.

According to a report, Khali said that the wrestlers were upset after the postponement of a wrestling tournament in Gurgaon. The report also added that he did not register a case with the police as he wanted to settle the matter on his own. “We could not get the police clearance as the dates were coinciding with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the city and, hence, had to postpone the tournament. Due to this, the wrestlers created a ruckus in my #academy today,” said Dilip Singh Rana (The Great Kali).

The video of Kali attacking Brody with a rod in the hotel in Chandigarh was reported by the media.

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This isn’t the first time that Brody Steel has messed with Khali. In February, Brody, along with other wrestlers, had attacked Khali inside the ring that had resulted in Khali being admitted in the hospital for 2 days.