‘King Of Instagram’ Dan Bilzerian Arrested At LAX, Held Without Bail

Self-proclaimed ‘King of Instagram’ Dan Bilzerian was arrested at Los Angeles International Airport Tuesday night on suspicion of possessing or manufacturing illegal explosive devices. Audrie Locke, Clark County, Nevada, District Attorney’s Office spokeswoman reported that ‘King of Instagram’ Dan Bilzerian was later released at 1:16 p.m. PT but the charges weren’t dropped. An official at the Los Angeles County jail’s inmate reception area told them that charges were dropped, however.

The complaint from the Clark County District Attorney’s office is dated November 13, an official said. The document claims that Bilzerian possessed “ammonium and/or cooler and/or aluminum powder, with intent to manufacture an explosive or incendiary device.” It also alleges he possessed such a device. The Clark County complaint alleges that an ammonium-nitrate mix, if activated by Bilzerian, “could be readily converted to an explosive or incendiary device in or upon any public street or highway and/or in or near any private habitation, public place or any place open to the public and/or in, on or near any public conveyance.”

Who Exactly Is ‘King of Instagram’ Dan Bilzerian?

Bilzerian, a trust fund beneficiary and poker player, became a social media sensation in 2013 for posting pictures of his lavish lifestyle on Instagram. He has 5.7 million followers on Instagram. Local police said Bilzerian was picked up based on an out-of-state warrant. It is unclear if the arrest is connected to an incident that occurred at a Miami Beach club in which the 34-year-old reportedly kicked model Vanessa Castano. Later it was disclosed by Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) that ‘King of Instagram’ Dan Bilzerian is facing charges of possessing or manufacturing illegal explosive devices. ‘King of Instagram’ this term might have been wondering you while the fact behind this is Bilzerian is Instagram-famous with 5 million followers, you can take a look at the many photos of women and indications of a lavish lifestyle on his page. It is believed that “Bilzerian, who likes to say he was kicked out of Navy Seal training two days before graduation, has previously Instagrammed his arsenal of firearms, and once ran over a BMW in a tank for kicks.”

Issue of Arrest Warrant for ‘King of Instagram’ Dan Bilzerian

‘King of Instagram’ Dan Bilzerian was issued arrest warrant in Clark County, Nevada. Bilzerian, who claims he’s won $50 million playing poker, remained in custody until Wednesday afternoon, and was originally held without bail. Bilzerian, a trust fund beneficiary and poker player, became a social media sensation in 2013 for posting pictures of his lavish lifestyle on Instagram. He has 5.7 million followers on Instagram. Local police said Bilzerian was picked up based on an out-of-state warrant. There are criminal charges which allege that Bilzerian, who turned 34 on Sunday, had the ingredients to make an explosive when the warrant was quietly issued last month. Bilzerian was released from jail Wednesday evening and tweeted a picture of himself on an airplane with two women.

The photo was captioned “Jail… Let’s not do that again.” The millionaire playboy also made headlines for an unrelated incident over the weekend, when he reportedly got booted from Miami’s LIV nightclub after kicking model Vanessa Castano in the face. Though she initially declined filing a police report, Castano reportedly changed her mind and filed one Sunday night. Bilzerian, who frequently Instagrams his firearms, could face one to six years in prison for the weapons charge if convicted. Bilzerian is a gun lover who has posed for photos with high-power, military grade rifles in-hand, including for a recent feature in Details magazine. There were earlier allegations against ‘King of Instagram’ Dan Bilzerian for throwing model Janice Griffith off a roof toward a swimming pool at his Vegas home. Griffith broke her foot and demanded $85,000. Her claim was denied by Bilzerian’s lawyer. Shortly after his release Wednesday afternoon, Bilzerian was seen walking into his Hollywood Hills home. Bilzerian said he had no comment and he later posted the following on Twitter.

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