Know How Ahmed Mohammed’s Clock Works And Pictures

Today the Internet is a buzz with the story of 14-year old Texas student, Ahmed Mohammed, who brought an electronic clock he made at home to school in Irving. One teacher who saw it reportedly called police and the cops arrested Ahmed, handcuffing him in front of his fellow classmates and released with no charges.

After the news spread of 9th-grader Ahmed’s arrest for confusing his teachers with his homemade clock, all are eagerly waiting to see just how much his build clock looked like a bomb.

Here’s A Photo Of The Bomb Clock That Got Ahmed Arrested:

It looks like as a briefcase by some outlets, appears to be a simple child’s pencil box (see the power plug on the right side as the “banana for scale”).

How Ahmed Mohammed’s Clock Works?

Inside the device, electronics appear less as a combination of various parts wired together into a timepiece, and more so as simply the guts of a standard electronic alarm clock. It has a big 7-segment display, a 9V connector for power-outage battery backup, a transformer for stepping down the line voltage and the control board with buttons to set the clock. The main board connects all the pieces together and attached to the display by a wide ribbon cable.

Unfortunately none of his school teachers were able to understand the build, nor Ahmed’s intention to connect with them and find someone to foster his creative desires.