Know What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Health

Most of the people believe in astrology and zodiac signs. People believe that different zodiac signs have different advantages and disadvantages. They follow according to their convenience. There are 12 zodiac signs in our astrology system. One for each month of the year. These zodiac signs explain one’s identity, personality and their journey in life. Hence, it comes as no surprise when we say that zodiac signs have a lot to say about one’s health as well! Earlier, medical practitioners would rely on astrology to help find the cause of diseases in people.

But in the modern world, there is a lot of difference in Medical astrology. There is a lot of difference in medical practitioners and Doctors. Doctor’s studies and medical practitioner’s prediction doesn’t have any connection. For example, a study found that people who were born in the winter months are prone to higher risks of schizophrenia than those who are born in summer months. Here are the details about zodiac signs and their influences on our health.

Zodiac signs and its influence our health:

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

An Aries individual is affected by Head and Brain ailments. An Arian individual is always having raring-to-go attitude means their brains are working overtime and planning something or the other. This makes them more stressed at most of the times. Arians tend to think more and more and easily get angered and agitated which leads to more stress on your brain and other parts of the head like tooth issues, jaw grinding, and even facial blemishes. Although prone to stress, Arians still need sufficient amount of stimulation, lest they fall prey to depression.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

A Taurus individual is affected by Throat, Insulin Production, and Lower Jaws problems. It is said that Venus, the planet that controls the throat, insulin production in the body and the lower jaw, rules Taurus. If the Venus is strong, Taurus individual will be blessed strong teeth, a keen sense of hearing but suffers from colds and flues often. If the Venus is weak, the Taurus individual is easily prone to severe throat infections, thyroid, tonsillitis, and stiff neck and ear infections. Because of the sign’s emphasis on the throat, many Taurus individuals are fine singers and musicians.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

A Gemini individual is affected by Body Limbs, Respiratory System problems. It is said that Mercury that rules the body limbs and the respiratory system in the body. Therefore, a strong, as well as weak Gemini individual, tends to attract common colds, whereas a weakened Gemini is also sensitive to flu and cough and tendonitis. It’s common for Gemini individuals to suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, insomnia, and nervous exhaustion. The evil twin of the lively Gemini is nervous and negative.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

A Cancer individual is affected by Stomach and Digestive System problems. It is said that Moon rules on Cancer which is connected to stomach and digestive system and these are highly intuitive and emotionally charged. When they cannot let go of their anger or their pain, under the influence of the moon, they suffer from intestinal problems, acidic stomach, and indigestion! To console themselves, Cancer individuals turn to food and often fight obesity, which can be depressing.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

A Leo individual is affected by Heart and Blood problems. It is said that Sun rules on Leo individuals to govern the heart and the blood running through the body. This makes them authoritative in nature and super confident in their approach to life. Otherwise, there come problems like heart ailments and lethargy. Thus, Leo individuals must be careful of heart ailments. Problems to be faced by Leo individuals are High blood pressure, blocked arteries, and irregular heartbeat. Perform mindful or meditation for good heart health.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

A Virgo individual is affected by Stomach and Intestine problems. Virgo individuals govern food intake and the related organs, especially the stomach and intestines. They tend to rush through things and have a one-track mind. Because their minds are analyzing, there is a constant unrest and hence, they are prone to food allergies, ulcers, constipation and other stomach-related ailments. Virgo individuals struggle with their weight, whether it’s too much weight or too little weight. Eating disorders are common among Virgos, as are stomach ailments such as ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

A Libra individual is affected by Bladder and Kidney problems. The Libra individuals love to have a good and cool life. They love to have fun and give the company and feel jovial with others. Libra governs the food processing intestines that absorb nutrition, and the excrement. Venus has jurisdiction over Libra and controls kidney and bladder functions. While Libra thrives on pleasure, they should take care to not overdo anything. Else, they will land themselves in a soup what with kidneys malfunctioning and severe bladder inflammation.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

A Scorpio individual is affected by Hormones and Reproductive System problems. Scorpio individuals are too jealous and they are obsessive and possessive of things they consider their own. If negativity and negative thoughts motivate their actions, Pluto can create problems on their reproductive systems and hormones. Irregular menstruation, diabetes, and bladder infections are common issues. Hormones tend to ebb and flow more erratically in the Scorpio individuals. On one extreme, this can lead to celibacy.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

A Sagittarius individual is affected by Liver, Thighs, and Eyesight problems. Jupiter rules the Sagittarius individuals which are highly concerned about the liver, eyesight and thigh problems. Health problems range from impaired vision, spinal disorders to detoxification issues. The restless spirits of Sagittarians make them accidents waiting to happen. Over-optimism can land them with impaired vision, spinal injuries and even detoxification issues. If your vision is impaired, you are more likely to have accidents.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

A Capricorn individual is affected by Bones and Knee problems. They are stubborn creatures, working themselves very hard, determined to reach their goals which then brings about fragile bones and weakened joints. While that’s a good work ethic, you end up neglecting and putting stress on some of the weaker areas of your body, especially the bones and joints.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

An Aquarius individual is affected by Body and Limbs problems. Uranus is in charge of circulation and nerve impulses among members of this sign. If they do not take short breaks and rejuvenate themselves, they could suffer from heart ailments, arthritis, swelling in limbs, asthma, varicose veins and allergies. An Aquarius individual is apt to be extremely graceful. So people having this sign have weak ankles and a map of varicose veins crisscrossing your legs.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

A Pisces individual is affected by Reflex and Nervous System problems. They are prone to depression due to disappointments in life because they are not practical. If that disappointment becomes overwhelming, it could cause foot problems and a weakened immune system that leaves them vulnerable to a number of diseases. Sensitive Pisces individuals often worry themselves sick.