A Vasant Valley School Student Krishna Singh when he was 16 he was seen disturbed about his boy’s uniform. Thus, he switched to the gender-neutral physical education uniform and slowly started changing himself to opposite gender. He also started taking hormone replacement therapy. Now after his treatment, he was changed to Naina Singh. Krishna Singh totally changes himself to Naina Singh physically as well as mentally. Naina is singularly young for an Indian transgender identifying herself as one.
Naina Singh also got supportive family and encouraged. With the support of family, friends, school authorities and counselors, Krishna has taken the first steps toward transforming into Naina. She loves make-up, is growing her hair, talks about her experiences in the video. “I thought he was gay, but my worst nightmare was he’d be a girl. I didn’t want him to suffer. Mishi believes parents “always know.”
At 12, Krishna told Mishi he might be gay using a convoluted line borrowed from counselors: “I think I’m openly confused about being gay.” On August 20, 2013, he came out “to the whole universe” answering an anonymous question on social media. “Something was still missing,” says Naina. Thus in 2014, he attempted suicide few times. Around 41% of transgender people commit suicide, said Mishi.
One day, Mishi and Naina’s elder sister was informed that “without any doubt, Krishna is a woman” by the counselors. “I was allowed to tell my story but to the senior classes. How do you explain sex reassignment surgery to a sixth-grader?” said Naina. After few days, Mishi told Naina she’s going to get her started on HRT and laser hair removal. But they are too late for voice as it was already low.
Mishi has had to face questions from friends and kids who want to know why Krishna is wearing a girl’s uniform. Naina takes it simple: “Why bother with things you can’t change? There are bigger problems, like poverty.”