Madhu Priya Reunites With Her Husband & Says SORRY After 3 Days Of DRAMA!

Singer Madhu Priya and her husband Srikanth episode has taken many twists and turns and finally it ended up Madhu Priya going against her parents now. Madhu Priya taking a total ‘U’ turn said that her parents have brain washed her to part her away with Srikanth by basing on a minor incident which she expressed against her husband Srikanth. She feels that she was misguided by the wrong people, probing her to file a case on Srikanth.

After the counselling given by the police and a series of debates on the news channels, the couple said to have sorted out their disturbances and the 18-year-old singer promises to the public that, she will be a role model for many young girls from now, as she always was.

Watch the Video here:

Video Of Madhu Priya Before And After Marriage: