The extravagant wedding invitation of former Karnataka minister Gali Janardhan Reddy’s daughter’s marriage is going viral in social media. Reddy’s daughter Bramhani’s wedding is scheduled on November 16 and engagement ceremony was performed in September on a grand note.
The wedding card introduces the to-be-wed couple and the bride swirls in front of the camera in various outfits. Did you ever think about the designer and the main head behind this wedding card ?
Designer of Gali Janardhan Reddy Daughter Wedding Card:
The designer and the man behind this grand wedding card is none other than dialogue kind “Sai Kumar”. A team worked for more than 5 days under the guidance of Sai Kumar and composed a song to include in the wedding card of Brahmani, the daughter of Gali Janardhan Reddy.
The wedding card is a box ad when you open invite box, a little LCD screen turns alive with a song and a text announces ‘Bramhani Weds Rajeev Reddy.’ Then comes a message from Gali Janardhan Reddy accompanied with his wife and son saying ‘Atithi Devo bhava (guest is like God).’
If You Missed The Wedding Card Have A Look:
There is also buzz that some of the top league actors belonging to Bollywood are going to perform during the event. It looks like Gali Janardhan Reddy is splurging money to make the event a Big Fat Wedding Ceremony.