Man Jumped From 11th Floor, What Happened Next Is Unbelievable (VIDEO)

A man wanted to kill himself. In order to do so, he jumped from a 11-floor apartment in Yangzhou, in Jiangsu Province in China. A footage of this man was taken, in which he was seen standing on the top floor of the building. Surprisingly the man survived unhurt.

Local policemen and family members tried to convince him for 2 hours for not jumping, but he didn’t listen to anyone of them. He decided to jump and end his life. You would be surprised to know what happened next! He survived unhurt.

man jumping from 11 floor

man jumped from 11th floor

Man Safe & Sound After Jumping Off 11 Storey Building:

The man who tried to kill himself by jumping off an 11-floor-building in Yangzhou, survived unhurt. Luckily, he landed in the air cushion prepared by firefighters and was uninjured.