Businessman Who Filmed His Ex-Girlfriend Having Sex With His Dog Fined £4,000 And Avoids Jail

Wayne Horkan, the man who took videos of his girlfriend having sex with his dogs has been fined with £4,000.

The 48-year-old Businessman appeared in the Birmingham Crown Court last week where he was charged with 2 counts of possessing extreme porn images.

The police recovered 1469 photographs and 210 video clips of sex acts that involved horses and dogs.

Officials said that the incidents happened in 2014 and 2015.

When Horkan appeared in the court, he pleaded guilty to the charges that were put against him and was handed a £4,000 fine.

Timothy Harrington, the Prosecutor, said, “Two of the videos, it was readily apparent, involved a woman with whom the defendant had been in a relationship with. He admitted he got sexual gratification from these films and had watched them on a number of occasions.”

The Birmingham Crown Court

When Judge Melbourne Inman QC was handing down his sentence, the judge said, “Between 2014 and 2015 you downloaded imagery which it is not necessary to detail again, which are abhorrent. Two of them involved a lady whom you were living with which is an aggravating feature. There is no suggestion at all this was anything other than consensual adult behavior.”

Judge Melbourne added that Horkan lost his job as a result of the offense, the judge also called him an “intelligent man”.

Horkan now runs a company that he had set up with a partner.

Lynette McClement, defending, said that the relationship of Horkan with the woman was a financial one.

Ms. McClement added, “In the course of that relationship his interest in extreme pornography was limited to that timescale. This was a shared interest.”

48-year-old Horkan was also ordered to pay £1,200 in court costs at the Birmingham Crown Court.