A cow in Kerala now holds a Guinness record for being the shortest in the world. The six-year-old cow, known as Manikyam, was confirmed as the world’s shortest cow with a measuring just 61.1 cm (24.07 in) from the hoof to the withers and weighing only 40 kg.
The cow (Manikyam), who smashed the previous record of 69.07cm, was bed and bred just like any other cow, but never grew higher than two feet tall.
“I got this cow five years ago,” NV Balakrishnan says. “Right then, I felt her uniqueness. I reared her with special care. This cow is like a family member. She is with us with all times. It is a very important and very intelligent cow.” he concluded.
Despite the short stature of the cow (Manikyam) does not suffer from any physical deformities.
The cow, which is part of the Vechur breed, is allowed into the family’s home and treated like a pet.
Dr Priya Nair, a veternarian, said “I have never come across such a situation because this is the rarest animal in the world. It is only some 61cm in height.”
Dayanand Kumar, a local villager, added: “We treat cows as a form of God. It is a divine blessing to see such a cute and small cow.”
Watch: Shortest cow (height) – Guinness World Records:
NV Balakrishnan’s son, Akshay Nambukudy, says that Manikyam (Cow) is now something of a local celebrity, and is regularly stopped for pictures.