MH370 Tragedy Still A Mystery As Probe Fails To Find Reason Behind Its Disappearance, Experts Doubt Foul Play

Investigations into missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 have found that the Boeing 777’s controls were likely deliberately manipulated to take it off its actual course but they were not able to determine about the one who must be held responsible for it.

The 495 page report, published on Monday, gives no conclusion about what actually happened aboard the plane what vanished along with 239 passengers on board en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur on March 8, 2014, leaving one of the world’s greatest aviation mysteries still in the dark without any solution or a clue.

“The answer can only be conclusive if the wreckage is found,” Kok Soo Chon, head of the MH370 safety investigation team, told reporters.

A three month search by US firm Ocean Infinity was called off by the Malaysian government on May 29. The search spanned for about 112,000 Sq Km in the southern Indian Ocean and ended with no significant findings.

The search was a second major one after Malaysia, China and Australia ended a result-less USD 147m search spanning across an area of 120,000 sq km last year.

The investigators from Malaysia and other countries have been trying to look into the reason why the jet veered thousands of mils off its scheduled route before plunging into the Indian Ocean.

The from the plane as a last one was from the Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah who signed off with the message “Good night, Malaysian three seven zero”, at a time when the Malaysian airspace and later changed its course after turning it off.

As per the 440 page final report by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) last year showed that Zaharie had flown a similar route on his home flight simulator around six weeks earlier which was “initially similar to the one taken by MH370.

The police from Malaysia had previously concluded that there was no unusual activity on the home simulator.

According to Kok, the investigators examined the history of the pilot and the first officer and they expressed satisfaction with their background, training and mental health.

“We are not of the opinion it could have been an event committed by the pilots,” he said, but added they were not ruling out any possibility since the in-air turn back was done manually and the systems in the plane were also manually turned off.”

“We cannot exclude that there was an unlawful interference by a third party,” Kok said.

He further added that all the passengers of the 15 countries had their backgrounds checked by their respective countries and all returned back with a clean bill of health.

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