The Indian Mobile phone manufacturer Micromax has opened its new manufacturing facility. The capacity of this unit can manufacture one million mobile phones per month. The unit opened was at Fab City in Hyderabad. Currently, the unit employs 700 people and will increase the number to 1,000 in next couple of months.
The unit is spread over 19 acres and this is the second manufacturing plant of Bhagati Product Ltd. in India. The company has invested an initial investment in the unit. There are plans for expansion of the unit to manufacture LED TV and other electronic equipment in the future.
Vikas Jain, Co-Founder, Micromax Informatics said, “We are committed to make Micromax Company as a clear leader in smart devices in the coming year. Therefore, we would be looking at further consolidation into newer product categories (LED TV and tablets) to bring in the newer set of consumers into the Micromax brand and transform into a complete consumer electronics company.”
“One of our key focus areas in this journey will be to 100 percent ‘Make in India’. With an already functional plant at Rudrapur, we are now looking at adding 3 more plants with an investment of Rs. 300 crores as well as creating job opportunities for over 10,000 people by 2017,” Vikas added.
The company announced a complete overhaul of its market strategy to arrest stalling growth in smartphones. The company intends to ramp up domestic production to achieve its 100% ‘Make in India’ plans and reduce dependence on imports. Dubbing the new strategy as ‘Micromax 3.0’, it unveiled a new logo and brand vision to drive agility.