Hyderabad: The Telangana State Irrigation Department on Thursday signed a MoU with the three prestigious institutions of IIT-H, BITS-Pilani (Hyd) and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) for the first time to share technical know-how and other assistance in the successful implementation of the flagship programme of ‘Mission Kakatiya’.
Irrigation secretary S K Joshi signed the MoUs with officials of the three institutions in the presence of irrigation minister T. Harish Rao. S.K Joshi exchanged the agreement documents with IIT-Hyd Director Prof. Desai, BITS-Hyd Director Prof. V.S. Rao and Nabard’s C.V.V. Satyanarayana.
The agreement with three top institutions will herald a new era in the preservation of water bodies under the Mission Kakatiya in the country. The institutions were being brought into the programme so as to provide a third party check in execution of works periodically besides also addressing technical issues reviving the abandoned tanks, said Mr. Harish Rao, adding that it would help in more efficient preservation of water bodies.
The Minister sought IIT-Hyd and BITS Pilani-Hyd help to create an integrated knowledge database for every irrigation project, training camps for the engineers of the department to acquaint knowledge on fresh trends emerged in irrigation sector worldwide, besides upgradation of official website for ensuring more transparency.
The minister also suggested IIT and BITS Pilani Heads to take up pilot projects involving students pursuing PhD and MTech and Teaching Staff on irrigation projects in the state and analyse irrigation facility. He urged the two institutions to update his department in the advancement of technology in the irrigation sector from time to time.
Harish Rao requested NABARD to take up studies on mission kakatiya and submit the reports to his department to take corrective measures if necessary. Later, participating in a video conference to discuss the programme implementation with officials across the districts, the Irrigation Minister pointed out a total of 10,000 lakes have been chosen for the second phase under the Mission. Mr. Rao also directed the engineers concerned not to hesitate to cancel works wherever the restoration works have not been taken under the first phase of the programme.
The representatives of the three institutions expressed happiness for entering agreements with the Irrigation department and extended all help to make success the Mission Kakatiya, the first of its kind scheme launched for the revival of water bodies and tanks in the country.