MoEF Preparing Guidelines To Protect Tiger Corridors

The union Environment forest and climate change ministry (MoEF & CC) are working on new guidelines are being followed to enhance tiger landscape as we are facing criticism from conservationists clearing several projects.

Unlike protected area network the national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and tiger corridors are not protected legally. Ministry often seeks the view of National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) before the projects are cleared.

India's Tiger Population On The Rise (2)

Prakash Javadekar, Environment Minister said, “We need more forest land in corridors but we cannot do it by law. So we are incentivising, we are preparing guidelines. For compensatory afforestation, if while using 1000 hectares, 800 hectares is provided, but in tiger corridors, it will be good enough. It will enhance tiger corridors.”

YV Jhala said, “Government land is not sufficient in tiger corridors and if project proponents are asked to buy land at pinch points where the corridor has shrunk, it will be good. But, whenever a project is cleared in corridors, the mitigation measures recommended need to be implemented with a sound checking mechanism.”

MoEFCC Secretary Ashok Lavasa said first most crucial corridors have to be identified and then take actions to protect them. He also says, “Project proponents will have to procure land in the corridor to the aid its conservation.”

“Very few viable tiger corridors are remaining in the country. These corridors are as important as protected areas and development projects should not be allowed to ravage them,” said Anish Andheria, President, Wildlife Conservation Trust.