Mosagallaku Mosagadu Movie is a latest Tollywood action thriller movie. The movie starring Sudheer Babu and Nandini Rai are playing the main lead roles. While Abhimanyu Singh, Chandra Mohan, Duvvasi Mohan, Jayaprakash Reddy, Sapthagiri are in the other supporting role in the movie. The movie is directed by Bose Nelluri and this movie is sequel to superhit movie Swamy Ra Ra. Chakri Chigurupati is producing this movie while Manikanth Kadri composed musicand the lyrics are penned by Sree Mani, Krishnakanth.
Mosagallaku Mosagadu Movie Cast and Crew:
Director : AN Bose
Producer : Chakri Chirugupati
Starring :
- Sudheer Babu
- Nandini Rai
- Abhimanyu Singh
- Chandra Mohan
- Duvvasi Mohan
- Jayaprakash Reddy,
- Sapthagiri
Music Director : Manikanth Kadri
Lyricst : Sree Mani , Krishnakanth
Singers :
- Baba Sehgal
- Chinmayi
- Nakul Abhyankar
- Karthik
- Supriya Lohit
- Sooraj Santhosh
- Naveen
- Vicky Mehta
Release date : 22nd May 2015
Country : India
Language : Telugu
Mosagallaku Mosagadu Movie Review and Rating:
Mosagallaku Mosagadu is an action thriller movie which was directed by Bose Nelluri and it is a sequel to superhit film Swamy Ra Ra which has created sensational hit from this movie. The lead roles would be played by Sudheer Babu and new actress Nanditha Rai who would be romancing with each other, singing songs.The movie is getting positive response from the film circles. Few scenes of the film were shot exclusively in Bangkok. Sudheer Babu got huge craze after the complete success of Prema Katha Chitram. All the lead characters in this movie have done pretty much good performance for this movie.Bose Nelluri has started his film career with Sundeep Kishan’s DK Bose. ‘Mosagallaku Mosagadu’ movie is a Blockbuster and it also a huge turning point in Krishna’s film career.
Mosagallaku Mosagadu Movie Trailer Review:
Mosagallaku Mosagadu Movie Trailer has been released on April 28, 2015 in YouTube and the trailer have receive a grate reviews from the social networking sites among the audiences.
Mosagallaku Mosagadu Movie trailer has been viewed more than 75,040 times in less than 12 hours of its release on YouTube. It has garnered 97 thumbs up 9 thumbs down. Viewers are impressed with the making of the film.
Plus Points:
- Interval Block
- Comedy
- Background Score
Minus Points:
- Heroine
- Love Track
- Screenplay
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