This news is going to bring in some belief in humanity despite the occurrence of barbarous incidents such as Dadri, the lynching of a man over rumours of beef eating. A Muslim woman is reported to give birth to her child in a Ganapati temple with the help of Hindu devotees. As per the confidential sources, it is being reported that a group of Hindu devotees in Mumbai helped a Muslim woman give birth.
The Muslim woman was helped by a group of women who were sitting near a Ganpati temple and made arranged arrangements of temporary delivery (labor) room using sarees, bed sheets and other clothes which were available at the instance. Amid all tenseness, woman gave birth to the healthy baby with the help of woman’s. Later mother and baby child were rushed to the hospital where doctors reported that there were no signs of complications. The felicitous Muslim couples are now determined to name their child after the Hindu lord as Ganesh. Hang on with us for more updates by bookmarking us in your web browser for easy navigation and share your insights leaving them as comments below.