The first working day of the Budget session of Rajya Sabha saw the uproar created by BSP members, led by their chief Mayawati, over the suicide of Dalit student Rohith Vemula last month. In an emotional speech, HRD Minister Smriti Irani hit out at the opposition for targeting her on the suicide of Rohith Vemula and the recent row in JNU.
Amid repeated adjournments, the session even saw clashes between Mayawati and Smriti Irani. Replying to the Congress’ charges during the session, a visibly emotional Irani said that Vemula’s suicide was being used as a political tool.
“My name is Smriti Irani. I challenge you to ask me my caste,” the Education Minister said, rubbishing allegations that Rohith was persecuted because he was a Dalit. “No one can raise a finger against me on this issue. I am taking it personally,” she said, her voice catching.
Rohith Vemula, a 26-year-old research scholar, was found hanging at the HCU last month, days after he was banned from the hostel and other areas on campus for allegedly attacking an activist of the BJP linked Student Wing ABVP. The Congress and other parties have alleged that Rohith was punished by the university because of pressure from Smriti Irani and another minister, Bandaru Dattatreya, who had asked for action against those who had attacked the ABVP activist. Smriti Irani refuted the allegation that she had forced the university to act against Rohith with multiple letters after Bandaru Dattatreya wrote to her. A united opposition had attacked the government over the suicide as well as the arrest of JNU students on sedition charges over an event in support of Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru earlier this month when anti-India slogans were raised.
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Here are the key highlights from Irani’s speech in Lok Sabha:
On Rohith Vemula’s suicide:
- In his statement, Rohith Vemula said no one was responsible for his death.
- No attempt was made to take Rohith Vemula to the hospital, his body was used as a political tool.
- Have you ever seen Rahul Gandhi go to one spot twice? No, he saw political opportunity here (Hyderabad University campus).
- I am Smriti Irani. I challenge you to ask my caste.
- Mujhe suli pe chadhaya jaa raha hai kyunki mere vibhaag ne patra likha (I am being targeted because my department wrote the letter)
- Telangana CM KCR did not act after Rohith Vemula’s suicide.
On JNU row:
- Omar Khaled misled JNU administration. He said in an application form that he was organising a poetry reading.
- I have said it time and again that education should not be turned into a battleground.
- I am not certifying your patriotism but do not demean mine.
- Will leave politics if any Congress-appointed VC accuses me of saffronisation.