The Prime Minister’s rally in Gaya is scheduled to take place on August 9, ahead of the upcoming assembly polls in Bihar. The assembly polls, slated for later this year, will be a heated affair, with six parties having merged under the Janata Parivar banner contesting against the BJP and the Congress. Days before Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s scheduled rally in Bihar’s Gaya, his posters were found torn in the district in an apparent act of vandalism.
Gaya District Magistrate Sanjay Kumar Agarwal said, “We have received poster and hoarding related complaints from two places. There are claims and counter claims by workers of two political parties. We are probing the matter and necessary action will be taken.”
Narendra Modi’s Posters Torn in Bihar’s Gaya
PM Modi’s posters torn in Gaya (Bihar) (7.8.15)
— ANI (@ANI_news) August 8, 2015
“The Bihar government has come down to this, but it won’t make any difference how many posters they tear and how many attacks they launch on the Prime Minister. We will win the Bihar assembly polls by a two-third majority,” Union minister Ram Vilas Paswan told ANI.
The Gaya DM said that over 2,000 police constables and 1,000 magistrates and police officers have been deployed especially on rally duty. The security arrangements are apart from the inner circle security provided by Special Protection Group to the Prime Minister. Traffic plan of the city has been strengthened.
Watch: PM Modi’s posters torn in Gaya ahead of rally
Modi is expected to arrive shortly after noon to address the rally and fly out of the city after it ends. This is his second visit to Bihar after becoming PM. He had visited Patna to launch several central government schemes and facilities on July 25 and had addressed a political rally at Muzaffarpur in North Bihar