NASA’s Challenge To The Internet: Find Saturn’s 3rd Moon In This Photo

You thought finding a panda was hard, well how many of Saturn’s moons do you see in the picture? According to NASA, there are three. The photo shows Enceladus, Rhea, and Atlas. The moon Rhea is seen beneath the rings and the moon Enceladus sits above but where is Atlas?

The photo was taken by the Cassini spacecraft on September 24. Rhea is 949 miles (1,527 kilometers) across and it looks relatively large beneath the rings. Enceladus, a fascinating icy satellite, is 313 miles (504 kilometers) across. It shines as a bright crescent above Rhea. Atlas is 19 miles (30 kilometers) across.

Watch the below video to find out Atlas:

Atlas stashed away in between two ring lines and sits to the upper left of the much-larger-appearing Rhea.

NASA notes, “This view looks toward the unilluminated side of the rings from about 0.34 degrees below the ring plane.”