Nepal Rejects Pro-Hindu Parties Proposal, Desires to Remain Secular State Like Ever

Nepal’s Constituent Assembly has declined the proposal of declaring the nation as Hindu state on Monday which substantiates that this Hindu majority state would be secular like in the past. Two-thirds of the lawmakers rejected the amendment proposal to make Nepal a Hindu state when the constituent assembly resumed voting on individual articles of the Constitution draft which ensures that this Himalayan nation would be secular like it’s neighboring nation India.

Constituent Assembly of Nepal Declares it as Secular State

The National Democratic Party-Nepal which is conceived as  pro-Hindu motive brought in the proposal of the declaring the Himalayan state as a Hindu state. Protests were carried out by the pro-Hindu activists after Nepal’s Constituent Assembly rejected the proposal of them to eliminate the key term secularism from the new Constitution, turning back the Himalayan nation as the secular state on Monday.

Split voting has been demanded by the leader of the National Democratic Party-Nepal Kamal Thapa after assembly chairman Subas Chandra Nembang announced the verdict of the house claimed that proposal of keeping the state as Hindu state has been declined. Official stats state that only 21 lawmakers in the 601-seat constituent assembly voted in the favor of leader of the National Democratic Party-Nepal Kamal Thapa. While the Nepal’s leader of the National Democratic Party-Nepal Kamal Thapa rules calls in the need of at least to begin the split voting hence the voting was not done.

It was in the year 2007 Nepal declared itself as the secular state as soon as the monarchy was abolished due to the success of people’s movement against it. It was ascertained during a mass public voting  in Nepal that most of its citizen’s wished to call as “Hindu” or “religious freedom” state despite called as a “secular” state. Activists of Hindu group clashed with security personnel carrying yellow and saffron flags at New Baneshwar area in the state capital Kathmandu.

Hindu Group Activists Carry Protest Against  CA, Nepal

Onlookers claimed that clash between the activists and cops broke out when they police forces tried to stop the mob concerning public safety after finding them entering the prohibitory area near the constituent assembly building. Protesters alleged that Nepal government should announce itself as Hindu state attacking passing vehicles which included destruction of the United Nations.

Final phase of proclamation of new constitution happened on Sunday by the Nepal after three major parties of the state initiated the with clause-wise voting on the final draft of the statute despite a boycott by Madhesi parties and violent protests which has resulted in the death of at least 40 civilians. Proposal of major political parties seven province model of the federal structure is being opposed by the Madhesi parties which made them be unavailable for the voting.

Declaration of Nepal into seven provinces by the major political parties on August 15 has invoked turmoil since then in the southern Nepal regions. Stay tuned with us for more trending alerts happening across the globe by bookmarking us in your web browser for easy navigation.