NYC Woman Wears Hidden Camera In Her Bra And Captures Strangers Staring At Her Breasts

A 29-year-old woman from New York City, USA, decided to place a hidden camera in her bra just to check out how many people stare at her breast.

Footage gathered by 29y-ear-old Whitney Zelig shows a number of people, which includes man, and even women staring at her breasts.

Whitney said her intention for the experiment is not to shame other people, but instead, she wants to raise awareness about breast cancer.

Britney wants women to check their boobs.

During her interview with Mirror Online, Britney said, “It was very vulnerable at first for me, but it was worth it. I didn’t notice until we went back and looked at the video, I was just looking straight ahead.”

She added, “I was really suprised. I didn’t expect the women to look too, but to be fair everyone loves boobs. I would look too. I’m happy I did it because of the positive feedback. t was kind of funny, I don’t notice it at any other time.”

Britney continued, “I mean, I thought it was hilarious. Humour is one of my favourite things and if we can use humour to raise awareness I’m all for it. If one woman is inspired to check herself or get a mammogram from this video I will be happy. I’m doing it for a bigger cause. This is bigger than the video or me, this is about our mums, grandmothers, children, sisters and friends.”

Whitney created the video with Chris, her brother, and CJ Koegel, their best-friend.

Whitney and Chris’s mother is breath cancer survivors.

Originally, an actress was hired to take the role, but she dropped out so Whitney decided to step up and take the spot.

Whitney said, “I volunteered not really knowing what I was getting into. I’m happy I did because of all the positive feedback.”

She added, “It’s not about me it’s about raising awareness and early detection.”

The video that they shared has over 1,518,510 views on YouTube alone.