The shooting of the cricketer Azharuddin Mohammed’s biopic movie ‘Azhar’ starring Emraan Hashm is taking place at Osmania University in Hyderabad on Sunday. Over 150 students of Osmania University (OU) have disrupted shooting due to a hassle over permissions.
Trouble began early when film star came to the Arts College building area and started making arrangements for the film shooting. Soon, members of over 32 students union on campus gathered at the College, and raised slogans. Taken aback by the development, the actor and the film crew left the place. “The conduct of film shooting on the campus will result in disturbance to students. We will not allow any commercial activity on the university campus and it is a place to study and not to entertain – said a students’ leader at OU.
The students of Osmania University (OU) questioned the administration on how it could grant permission to shoot on campus. Students claimed that the crew was instead shooting a commercial film and not a documentary. On this, officials at OU have said “that if it is found that the movie shot was commercial in nature and not a documentary then a notice will be issued to the concerned organisation which sought permissions”.
After a few hours of clashes at the venue, the crew was sent back by the students and suspend of the shoot. The students later demanded the registrar to issue a notification to all the constituent colleges to ban filming on campus.
The OU police have asked the authorities to get permissions from the deputy commissioner of police (DCP) to avoid further inconveniences. “We have advised the crew to approach the DCP to resume their shooting on campus. Although the matter pertains to administration of OU, the police has to involve due to presence of multiple political students’ unions on campus,” said Ashok Reddy, inspector at OU police station.
Meanwhile, the OU police said that no complaint was made against any person and there were no violent incidents reported on the campus.