Parents Poured Hot Cooking Oil On Child For Not Agreeing An Arranged Marriage

Marriages are made in heaven they said, But that heaven is society which bounds parents by it’s rules to force their children into unwanted marriages they never said, For most of the people pride in society is more important than the future of their own children, Though the humanity is moving forward in terms of technology, Things like child marriages are increasing day by day, This is one of such incident which gone too far that the parents attempted to kill their own child.

This incident happened in Bexar city of San Antonio, That was an Iraqi family, They have a girl child who is 16 years old, At an age where she should be doing her schooling, Her parents tried to get her married with a Man whom she never knew, To escape that unwanted marriage she ran away from her home in South Texas. But it wasn’t that easy.

According to County Sheriff Javier Salazer The Child was beaten very badly, She was choked, And Parents tortured her as she rejected the forced arranged marriage, When she didn’t listen they poured hot cooking oil on her body, She somehow succeeded in escaping from that hell.

She was found on January 30th and later she was moved to Child Protective Services along with her five younger siblings, Her parents have been arrested by the county sheriff Salazar, It was said that the parents were offered 20000$ to arrange that marriage.

Somehow the kid got escaped from that hell but everyone is not that lucky, her parents did it for money, Few do it for their pride in society, Some do it on the name of religion, Whatever it is since many centuries the Women has been the victim of such cases. It’s not the technology which needs development, It’s our thought process which needs to be improved.

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