The Telangana State Election Commission (TSEC) on Wednesday registered Jana Sena Party as an authorised political party. Pawan Kalyan who launched his own political party called Jana Sena early this year. His vigorous campaign in support of TDP-BJP combine in the elections is believed to be one of the major reasons for its success at the hustings.
Pawan Kalyan’s speech on the party launch day, was applauded by many biggies in both the film and political fields. His theme ‘Congress Hatao Desh Bachao’ went viral and till date, he stood on the same note, fighting vigorously against the Congress party.
Pawan Kalyan’s Janasena Party to participate in GHMC Elections:
The party is now getting ready up to participate in Greater Hyderabad Muncipal Corporation (GHMC) elections that are expected to be held in two months. However, the Jana Sena Party is a registered political party without a reserved symbol.
Sources said that the party candidates will be entitled to preferential treatment over independent candidates in allotment of free symbols, the commission said.
Pawan Kalyan, a top-ranking Telugu hero himself, has a huge following in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. His party’s entry could affect the political dynamics if it chooses to contest the GHMC polls which are seen as the big test for the TRS government’s popularity.